Friday 18 October 2013


Chance upon this online, this is so true..

Much of the sorrow, anger, frustration, envy and all the other negative emotions we experience in life are the result of desiring more and appreciating less.

So how can we learn to be more grateful for what we have in life? Here are some steps we all can use each day to bring more gratitude, and as a result, more happiness into our lives.

Firstly, think of five things that you would not want to change in your life. Then say them aloud or write them down. This helps you identify and focus in the things you usually take for granted. Things thAt you just as easily may not have been given, but have.

Next, appreciate your senses. What beauty has your gift of sight allowed you to enjoy. What delightful foods did you smell and taste. What sweet music stirred your soul through your gift of hearing.

Before you end your day, think of five Inge that made your day wonderful.nwe often forget the good and focus on the bad in our lives. A sincere compliment, a small gift, a lunch treat, a loved one's laughter , a beautiful line from a book, a joke which made you chuckle, a phone cal asking how you were, a colleague's thoughtful gesture, your mother's delicious fried rice.. How many of such little blessings are forgotten as son as they've transpired.

Appreciate yourself. Everyone has attributes he or she can be thankful for.nthink of five of them, again, too many people tend to dwell on their flaws and shortcomings. This helps you remember that you have been blessed with attributes that other people may not have.

Think of three people you are thankful to have in your life. Tell them how much they mean to u.

Remind yourself of how fortunate you are. Whenever you see or hear people who are destitute, crippled, hungry or disenfranchised, don't look away. Don't ignore them. Use those images to help you realize just how lucky you really are.

With love,

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