Wednesday 20 March 2013


I'm now drinking my all time favorite - frappe mocha! I've always love sitting in a cafe, quietly and have some time alone doing anything or simply just rest my mind while savoring my coffee. So td, I decided to maybe write a "little". I came across a blog, so touching and inspiring, left me teary when I finished reading. It's a good read covered alot of aspects in life -in short, to be contented with what u have and no matter what don't give up, don't lose faith, always be positive. Such words so easy to say yet extremely hard to apply ESP when u met some of the difficult situations in life. For me, anger always come first. I'm hot tempered, many times I felt so agitated to the extend I couldn control the emotions running through my body and brain. This always resulted in stupid actions and harsh words. (& one of e most regretful one I have is nt showing much respect and shouted at my beloved mum) But I think it's a process in life. Now, I knew these will only put me into alot more disadvantage positions, I need to change.I hope to whatever incident that's gonna happen in the future, I will calm down and think before i make any actions and stop e negative emotions/ thoughts before things get worse. I remembered I read something, there is a circle of concern and circle of influence.whenever we have circle of concern we should link it to the circle of influence & think in a positive way. E.g if only I have a better employers/ if only my boss wasn't so demanding, we can change it too, I can be a better employee/ I can be more wise. It also mentioned that effective people focus their efforts in their Circle of Influence and do not get stressed or waste time on the things within their Circle of Concern. They work on the things they can do something about and the nature of their energy is positive and enlarging. There are things (like the weather) that our Circle of Influence will never include. We can’t change the weather, but we can create and carry our own physical or social weather with us. We must accept the things that at the present we can’t control and focus our efforts on the things that we can. All and all, I must start applying this! (;

Hope this post doesn't get too bore.

So, anw talking about work (yet again) . I did pretty well or to say very well this mth. I hit one of the high mark at about 26k+ in merely 2 weeks for e month of March. I felt that I'm now getting alot of attentions from e floors and e management. This is a good sign but also a bad one if I'm gonna quit, I have some many ppl looked up to me yet I failed them esp crystal ): . Although I still has not decide if I want to go for another option, but if I do I guess t will be quite a shock & disappointment to e management & crystal. All e more I don't want to disappoint her but I need to plan e best for myself. Well, it's e working society and everyone s thinking for themselves right?

Wanting t earn more & learn more.... I hope by the next post I will hv a concrete ans of what I want and I will go for it.


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